A Modern Feministic Analysis of Hanif Kureishi’s A Terrible Story


  • Zakeria Kamal BS Student, Department of English Literature & Applied Linguistics, University of Science & Technology Bannu, KP, Pakistan
  • Shafqat Hussain BS Student, Department of English Literature & Applied Linguistics, University of Science & Technology Bannu, KP, Pakistan




A Terrible Story, Hanif Kureishi, Liberal Feminism, Pakistani Society, Women


The present study is intended to unfold feminist themes and societal narratives in the short story A Terrible Story by Hanif Kureishi with specific reference to Pakistani society. Moreover, the current study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research using an eclectic theory of Liberal Feminism by Langermann and Brantley (In Ritzer and Goodmann, 2004) that aims to explore Julie’s actions and their resulting impacts on society and her personal life. Liberal Feminism claims to hold the values of freedom of expression, choice, individuality, and equality. The central character Julie fearlessly attempts to exercise the above-mentioned rights and values against her husband “Jake” specifically and against society in general. The findings illustrate that Julie, being a married woman, breaks the mould and leaves a pressing lesson for the women of patriarchal societies. Besides, the understudy story can also be analyzed through the Marxist and Psychoanalytical lenses whose elements are traceable in the text.





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How to Cite

Kamal, Z., & Hussain, S. (2023). A Modern Feministic Analysis of Hanif Kureishi’s A Terrible Story. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 4(3), 111–120. https://doi.org/10.35484/ahss.2023(4-III)11