Organization Development: An Exploratory Literature Review


  • Dr. Asmat N. Khattak Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Institute of Management Sciences, IMS, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Ali Mumtaz Warriach M. Phil Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, Institute of Management Sciences, IMS, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Ishtiaq Alam Khan M. Phil Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, Institute of Management Sciences, IMS, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan



OD Interventions, OD Models, Organizational Change, Organizational Performance, OD Definition


The objective of the study is to explore the evolution of organization development (OD) and the ways in which experts have provided definitions from the beginning to the present day. This is because there is "ambiguity" for potential readers. OD is new to academics, students and practitioners. We conducted this exploratory literature review to explore the phenomena and to resolve the difficulty of "ambiguity.” The findings are "strategic revolution" and provide corporate solutions in the context of the current "polycrisis." OD suggests "rethinking", "system renewal" and “human values” and advocate for the "human factor" in decision-making. OD is a “systematic change.” The findings of the study are useful for practitioners as well as students earning masters and doctoral degrees in business administration and management sciences.





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How to Cite

Khattak, A. N., Warriach, A. M., & Khan, I. A. (2023). Organization Development: An Exploratory Literature Review. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 4(4), 250–257.