An Eco-Feministic Study of “The Gaze" by Elif Shafak


  • Saima Raza English Language Instructor in Access UE Program, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Zoya Hashmi Research Scholar, Department of English, Women University Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Sheher Bano Qaiser Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Pakistan



Eco-feminism, Male Dominance, Patriarchal Hegemony, Women and Nature


Eco-Feminism is a widely known term now that it is been discussed all over the world. The study engages the thought and reasons to how ecology and feminism can relate in this text and employs the idea of both theories combined and merged through the text’s lens. Qualitative approach is used to analyze the data manually merging the two theories of “Ecology” and “Feminism.” The analysis of the text takes over various fields of the story from physical to supernatural and spiritual and examines each area with regard to the taken theories individually and by combining them later on. The relation of women and nature, the physical, abstract and mental domination of the male community upon females and nature as well as just nature upon females and the concept of the inferiority of the female gender are driven out of the text. How ‘the cause to the world’s most problems’ is the female gender is the root idea of the text is also looked upon in the analysis. The physical, mental, and patriarchal hegemony can be perceived through the findings and analysis of the text while the clear picture of eco-feminism itself can be understood as the concluding details of the study.





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How to Cite

Raza, S., Hashmi, Z., & Qaiser, S. B. (2023). An Eco-Feministic Study of “The Gaze" by Elif Shafak. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 4(3), 542–551.