Forensic Toxicology: Unveiling the Secrets in Crime Investigation and Trial in Pakistan


  • Shabana Kausar Lecturer, Institute of Law, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Rizwana Khanzada PhD Scholar Molecular biology Liaquat Medical University of Health Sciences, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Abbas Sherazi Trainee at Forensic Biology at Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan



Biological Material, Chemical Testing, Homicidal, Poison, Suicidal, Suspicious Death, Toxicology


Forensic toxicology, expanding its outdated boundaries. In context of autopsy, to identify cause of death and finding drugs in blood, new refined techniques are helpful. Object of conducting research was mainly to identify weaknesses and suggesting possible solutions. Forensic toxicology stands as a pivotal discipline within the realm of forensic science, weaving together chemistry, pharmacology, and medicine to unravel the mysteries concealed within crime scenes. This research employs methods, qualitative analytical techniques, and novel applications shaping the discipline. Researcher used descriptive method to present results. Modern tools work with specificity in detecting drugs, even in trace amounts and including new psychoactive substances (NPS). In Pakistan still outdated tools used for detection. It is recommended that collaboration among pharmacology with forensic toxicology and medico-legal for knowledge exchange and boosting progress in this domain and use of nano technology to improve its working.





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How to Cite

Kausar, S., Khanzada, R., & Sherazi, M. A. (2023). Forensic Toxicology: Unveiling the Secrets in Crime Investigation and Trial in Pakistan. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 4(3), 605–620.