Effects of the Social Media on Family Planning among Nursing Mothers in Punjab, Pakistan


  • Azra Parveen Nursing Instructor, College of Nursing, Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Sidra Jamil Head Nurse, Lady Aitchison Hospital, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Samia Abbas Assistant Controller, Nursing Examination Board Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan




Contraception, Family Planning, Nursing Mothers, Social Media


This study aims to assess the effect of social media on family planning among nursing mothers in Punjab. There is no denying the fact that social media has a positive role in increasing contraception. The survey design and in-depth interview were conducted from the target population of nursing mothers in Jinnah Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. The sample used for this study is 120 nursing mothers. The technique used in this study is the random sampling technique. A descriptive analysis was conducted. 81% of the nursing mothers had ever used contraceptives. The widely used contraceptive methods were injectable (28%) and IUD (28%). The majority of the nursing mothers (59%) were highly influenced by social media. The incumbent government should focus on social media-centric campaigns to raise the contraceptive prevalence rate in Punjab, Pakistan. The digital divide should be curtailed at the gross root level for the result-oriented effect of social media on family planning.




    Abstract Views: 42

How to Cite

Parveen, A., Jamil, S., & Abbas, S. (2023). Effects of the Social Media on Family Planning among Nursing Mothers in Punjab, Pakistan. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 4(2), 820–825. https://doi.org/10.35484/ahss.2023(4-II)75