Slums and Environmental Sustainability: A Case Study of Multan City


  • Ramsha Shabbir M.Phil Scholar, Department of Geography, Islamia University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Basit Nadeem Lecturer, Department of Geography, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Kashif Department of Geography, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Punjab, Pakistan



Sattelments, Sustainability, Urbanizationand Urban Areas


This research addresses the growing challenges of slums formation in Multan City, Pakistan. Metropoltan area population of Multan in 2021 was 2 million and growing at the rate of 2.23%. The main reason of slum formation is rapid urbanization. People migrated towards urban areas to facilitate themselves from the opportunities they are deprived. Unfortunately, there is no space for the poor’s in urban areas. In that case, these poor are forcibly choose margins of the cities or the deprived areas within a city to live. This study is survey-based. 5 urban slums areas of Multan city were randomly chosen. To execute the objectives of this research structure questionnaire was designed. A total of 144 questionnaires approximately 25-30 from each settlements were filled from filed survey by the researcher. Findings has been observed that these settlements are extremely deprived from the basic human facilities and infrastructure like clean water, sanitation, health facilities, inadequate houses etc. This has created a big problem for the sustainability of the city. For the betterment of these settlements Government should make law for the sustainability.





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How to Cite

Shabbir, R., Nadeem, B., & Kashif, M. (2024). Slums and Environmental Sustainability: A Case Study of Multan City. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 5(3), 124–136.