The Shift in Geopolitical Alliances and its Impact on the UN’s Role in The Kashmir Conflict
Article 370, India, Kashmir Conflict, Mediation, Multipolar World Order, United Nations, Geopolitical AlliancesAbstract
This paper explores how the changing dynamics of global geopolitics, with the rise of China, Russia, and regional powers, have impacted the United Nations' role in mediating the conflict. Through a qualitative research approach involving literature review, document analysis, and expert interviews, the study finds that shifting geopolitical alliances have complicated the UN's role in Kashmir, leading to a reduced capacity for effective intervention and mediation in the region. This has been further exacerbated by India's rising global influence and its resistance to external mediation efforts. The study recommends strengthening the UN’s mediation capacity through inclusive regional dialogue, reinforcing multilateralism, and modernizing its institutional structure to adapt to changing geopolitical realities. The study recommended the strategis adopted by the UN to enhance its role in Kashmir conflict. There should an inclusive dialogue between the stakeholders and major powers.
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