Appealing Language Techniques in the Zakat Advertisements


  • Waqas Ahmed Superintendent, Faculty of Arts. University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Naila Kanwal Dar Visiting Lecturer, English Department, University of Central Punjab Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Ali Hussain Lecturer, Department of English, Minjah University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan



Advertisements, Advertisers, Appealing Language Techniques, Donors, Figures, Pictures, Zakat


This study presents a critical analysis of appealing and persuasive language techniques of the Zakat advertisements published in a Pakistani English newspaper ‘Dawn’ during the first Ashra of Ramazan, a period of ten days of Islamic month. Zakat is an Islamic charity, which is donated by the well-off Muslims to support the needy and helpless Muslim Ummah. The aim of the present study is to capture the shared features, which make the Zakat adverts unique in appealing though no attention has been paid to this area. The present study is based on the framework of stylistics. It strives to analyze lexical and syntactical features of the Zakat advertisements. The study has also extended its inquiry over the use of pictures and figures, which are found to be affect-laden and persuasive by arousing sympathy for the under- privileged community. The purposeful use of graphology and graphetics supports the message of the adverts and inspires the donors to patronize the noble cause of serving humanity. The language of the Zakat adverts, thus, qualifies for a rich and appealing variety in the study of advertisements.





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How to Cite

Ahmed, W., Kanwal Dar, N., & Hussain, A. (2022). Appealing Language Techniques in the Zakat Advertisements. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 3(3), 392–404.