Ibn Khaldun’s Concept of Asabiyyah: Application on the Muslim Nationalism in Indian Sub-continent before Partition


  • Dr. Aurang Zaib Assistant Professor Department of Humanities, BUITEMS Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan
  • Abdul Hakeem Lecturer, Department of Sociology, BUITEMS Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan
  • Mufti Sana Ullah Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, BUITEMS Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan




Asabiyah, Ibne Khaldun, Islamic Ideology, Muslim Nationalism, Partition of India


The objective of this research paper is to apply “Ibn Khaldun’s concept of Asabiyyah on Muslim Nationalism in sub-continent before partition”. Asabiyyah implies the concept of group solidarity; it is meant to sustain power or proclaim identity. In the same way, Muslims in the sub-continent had been described under the Asabiyyah of religious propaganda that proclaimed Muslim nationalism against the British rule and Hindus, as a result of which they succeeded in the partition of the sub-continent and got a separate homeland for themselves in the shape of Pakistan. This shows that strong Asabiyyah plays an important role in the rise and fall of nations. Thus, Pakistan emerged as a result of Muslim nationalism based on Islamic Ideology, which constitutes the core idea of Ibn Khaldun’s religious perspective of Asabiyyah. Overall, the paper contributes to our understanding of Muslim Nationalism through strong Asabiyyah which played an important role in successful culmination of Pakistan.





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How to Cite

Zaib, A., Hakeem, A., & Ullah, M. S. (2022). Ibn Khaldun’s Concept of Asabiyyah: Application on the Muslim Nationalism in Indian Sub-continent before Partition. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 3(2), 695–703. https://doi.org/10.35484/ahss.2022(3-II)66