Revolutionary Reforms and Societal Opposition: A Case Study of Pakistan’s Commission on Marriage and Family Laws (1955-1961)
Marriage, Family Laws, Islamic Laws, SocietyAbstract
This research paper evaluates how modernists and traditionalists, within the framework of Pakistani society, have interpreted ‘the Commission on Marriage and Family Laws’ differently. Modernists emphasize social justice and gender equality and see the Commission's proposals as a progressive step toward harmonizing Islamic law with modern principles. On the other hand, traditionalists argue that established Islamic norms should be preserved and voice concerns about the possible degradation of cultural and religious values. This study analyzes the ideological clashes inherent in the divergence between modernists and traditionalists, while simultaneously scrutinizing the historical, cultural, and societal factors that shape their perspectives. The study offers valuable insights on the ongoing discussion around legislative reforms and religious interpretations by illuminating the complex interactions between tradition and modernity within Islamic world.
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