The Ever-haunting Political Instability in Pakistan and the Future of CPEC: A Contextual Perspective


  • Dr. Sharaf Ali Associate Lecturer, Department of Political Science & I.R., University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Ghulam Shabbir Assistant Professor, Department of History & Pakistan Studies, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan



BRI, Challenges for the CPEC, CPEC, Economy of Pakistan, Future of the CPEC, OBOR, Pak-China Relations, Political Instability in Pakistan


This study mainly aimed to analyze the future prospects for the CPEC project via providing a critical and contextual overview of the ever-haunting political instability in Pakistan. The study has provided an overview of the significant political developments indicating the politically instability in Pakistan i.e. which resulted to create hurdles in the smooth implementation of the of the CPEC. Further, this study has also discussed the future prospects for the CPEC i.e. in the light of the ever-haunting political instability in Pakistan. This study signifies that the ever-haunting political instability in Pakistan has resulted has resulted to create some undesirable delaying conditions and multiple challenges for the smooth implementation of the CPEC. Although, Pakistan and China have managed to achieve almost all of the major targets of the Phase-I of the CPEC i.e. through mutual cooperation but the conditions of political instability are still persistent in Pakistan. This study concluded that it is in the high interest of both counterparts of the CPEC i.e. China and Pakistan to successfully complete the CPEC project. Further for achieving the aforesaid purpose, Pakistan has to take serious steps for the overcoming the root causes of the ever-haunting political instability otherwise Pakistan would simply be unable to complete the remaining projects of the CPEC i.e. in the timely and smooth manner, hitherto, the consistently unstable political environment may also lead to create undue strains in the Pak-China relations.





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How to Cite

Ali, S., & Shabbir, G. (2023). The Ever-haunting Political Instability in Pakistan and the Future of CPEC: A Contextual Perspective. Annals of Human and Social Sciences, 4(3), 798–807.